Monday, November 15, 2010

Hey, about swapping mayors?

If politics weren't humourous we'd all be sporting long, morose faces. A recent Craigslist ad offered to swap Toronto mayor-elect Rob Ford for Calgary's new mayor, Naheed Nenshi.

Yes, you read it right, Nenshi is Canada's first Muslim mayor. The anti-Ford Craigslist advertiser obviously has an axe to grind against Toronto's newly minted mayor. The ad focuses on Nenshi's Harvard background and other qualifications that Ford doesn't have.

In any event, Nenshi, who was born in Toronto,and learned about the Craigslist ad expressed no interest in moving back to 'Hogtown'.

Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown, so they say, but Mayor-elect Rob Ford can breathe a sigh of relief that in spite of the embittered Craigslist advertiser, he'll fulfill his mandate as Toronto's duly elected head of the city.

Can we get on with our lives now?

1 comment:

  1. Nicely argued. Well. done.
    I might have started the post with your last sentence rather than the Marcus Gee stuff. This about why you think he won. Be direct and get to the point quickly.
    Ditto for the headline:
    5 reasons why Rob Ford won the mayor's race.
