Monday, November 8, 2010

The Rob Ford era has begun

And so a new era has begun for the City of Toronto ... a new mayor, Rob Ford, will be sworn into office on December 1st. For an undecided voter like me, who hemmed and hawed about who to vote for especially when the field was narrowed down to three: Ford, Pantalone and Smitherman and who almost tossed a coin about my choices (ok, I'm kidding)I hesitated and went for the lesser evil. No, I'm not revealing who got my vote!

In any event, Toronto has four years of Rob Ford. But this might be the refreshing change that our City Hall needed. He says we --- yes, GTA residents --- can call him if we're not happy with his policies and he'll return our calls or even meet us at home. Not bad, eh? Personal service from His Worship, hey, I'll take that anytime.

So while his transition team preps City Hall for the Ford era and with Mr. Ford constantly talking about 'trimming the fat', a Toronto-based fitness company has offered free personal training to help His Worship shed those pounds.

His soon-to-be predecessor, David Miller, did it and now cuts a svelte figure. How about it, Mayor Ford? A healthy mayor for a healthy city!

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