Monday, January 10, 2011

The Homeless Man and How Hope Springs Eternal

What a lovely story to start the New Year! The Columbus Dispatch featured a story on a homeless man who had a God-given voice made for radio --- Ted Williams --- and the rest as they say is media history. Mr. Williams did the introductory voiceover on the 'Today' show, was the subject of a joke by Jay Leno (about Angelina Jolie wanting to adopt him), and who's calling next? None other than Ms. Winfrey herself for her brand new OWN --- the Oprah Winfrey Network!

As someone who's been through the wringer herself --- I call it my Un-episodes --- UNemployment/UNderemployment --- and now with newly minted postgrad Media for Global Professionals credentials from Sheridan College I can relate to being vulnerable --- NOT waiting for a handout but for someone who'll believe in me. Mr. Williams was oh-so wonderfully lucky! He fell through the cracks due to the circumstances in his personal life but his talent cannot be denied.

So it's 2011 and I'm casting about for that golden opportunity. It might come in the form of a passing videographer who was intrigued by the homeless man's sign or the fortuitous alignment of the planets.

In any event, I believe in what the poet Robert Browning said: "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp - or what's a heaven for?"

1 comment:

  1. Great story full of hope to begin the New Year on a wonderfully optimistic note!
