Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is she or isn't she?

Sarah Thompson isn't about to wear Hamlet's cloak and deliver a soliloquy --- should I or shouldn't I remain in the Toronto mayoralty races? A dilemma for sure since her poll numbers are weak to say the least. Her campaign office says she's still running for the top City Hall post. There seems to be a slight hesitation that she might throw her support around Rocco Rossi whose odds of winning are iffy at best. In this brew of let's-stop-Rob Ford-at-all costs, is it a game of musical chairs in who'll endorse who as soon as I see the writing on the wall? Ms. Thompson's campaign hasn't caught fire since she threw her hat in the mayoral ring. She calls herself a 'visionary' but her message seems to have all been drowned out by Rob Ford's "I'm going to cut spending"speeches. The latter has scored well with the electorate and is credited for Ford's surge in the polls. With the municipal elections a month away, what is a candidate to do whose numbers are simply not there? Wait, consult, throw her support around another candidate? Not an easy decision. But who said politics was easy?

1 comment:

  1. There certainly is a good deal of public and media interest in the Toronto election. It will be interesting to see the final election results.

