Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ok, so Rob Ford is not the anti-Christ

Got a kick out of Thomas Walkom's column in the Toronto Star debunking claims that Mr. Ford is NOT the anti-Christ and that his critics should get a grip. So, Rob Ford is not the dreaded anti-Christ --- thank heaven for that! --- and simply a right winger from Etobicoke who wants to be Toronto mayor.

And that's supposed to calm my misgivings about Ford taking the reins at City Hall. Notwithstanding Giorgio Mammoliti's change of heart and endorsement of Ford I'll remain undecided until election day.
The election pot may be filled to overflowing with all these candidates running for Toronto mayor but I'm hard pressed to find anyone inspiring among the lot. In the end there only might be two remaining candidates slogging it out on October 25: Ford and Smitherman.
Anti-Christ or not I'd have to mull things over very carefully and see whose name I'll check on the ballot come election day.

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