Sunday, September 26, 2010

Suddenly I'm an undecided voter

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy exercising my fundamental right as a Canadian citizen to vote for my chosen candidate. But as election day for Toronto's mayoral races looms ahead I am in a quandary as who to vote for. As an informed voter, I watch candidates' debates, keep tabs on the issues and make a decision even before I cast my ballot. However I seem to be in an indifferent mood as to the choices this time around.

Rob Ford. He's all been but declared the winner. It's all over but the counting and he's Toronto's next mayor. Should I believe the forecasts? For some strange reason, he doesn't sit well with me. Is it his bluster? He's been called a buffoon but with the caveat that he shouldn't be underestimated. Too much bluster? And what about those scandals: drugs, alleged assault on his wife although what politician is as pure as the driven snow? If I feel uncertain about Ford being the next mayor of Toronto, perhaps I should listen to my intuition and scratch him off my list.

George Smitherman. I live in his riding: Toronto Centre and he was my MPP. What gives me pause in voting for him? One word: eHealth! That shadow still hangs over him and will be synonymous with his name the way Watergate will always be connected with Richard Nixon. So he doesn't get my vote.

Sarah Thompson. From one woman to another, she should be getting my vote. Somehow her message fails to resonate with voters and she's trailing in the polls. And there are (unconfirmed) reports that she might drop out of the race to stop a Ford onslaught. Better luck next time, Sarah.

Joe Pantalone. Granted that he served as deputy mayor and knows the internal workings of City Hall which probably gives him an edge over his rivals. He seems to be the greenest of the candidates and advocates a green urban landscape. I'll file him under 'I'll think about it' but still find him uninspiring.

Rocco Rossi. I read his bio, his links with Ignatieff and fundraising successes. He's considered an outsider by some since he's never held public office. Hilarious attempts to show his 'goodfella' side with campaign ads. He might provide comic relief at City Hall. But I'm still not sure whether he'll get my vote.

It's a survival of the fittest. Who'll remain in the political ring as election day approaches? That said I might have to toss a coin. Heads or tails?

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