Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sarah Thompson throws in the towel

Sarah Thompson has climbed down from the mayoral fight --- unbloodied and unbowed. After all that speculation, poll numbers that never went beyond single digits, a campaign that lacked gravitas, Sarah Thompson ends her bid for the Toronto mayorship and throws her support behind 'Furious' George Smitherman. Trying to stop the Ford juggernaut, Thompson says that electing Rob Ford would be the 'worst thing for the city'.

With Thompson out of the race, will there be an 'anyone but Ford' heckuva bruising sprint towards City Hall? Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone isn't following in Ms. Thompson's footsteps declaring that the only time he'll drop out of the race is after serving eight years as mayor. He's been endorsed by Ed Broadbent, Jack Layton and Layton's wife, Olivia Chow. Will these endorsements add wind to Pantalone's sails? We'll have to wait and see.

And what's Ford take on Sarah Thompson's move to the Smitherman camp? The frontrunner wished his now-former rival well although professing that he didn't understand 'what Sarah was doing'.

Be that as it may, the playing field for Toronto mayor has been narrowed down to four. And like in the jungle, it's the fittest who survive.

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