Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rossi: the best mayor Toronto never had?

I read the National Post's Matt Gurney's take on Rocco Rossi saying that he hopes Toronto voters will see Rocco Rossi again. Gurney says Mr. Rossi was the best choice for mayor. Not having held public office coupled with a lack of name recognition, Gurney looks at Rossi as the best choice for mayor for his lack of baggage and the offer of a fresh start adding that 'God knows, Toronto could use that.'

Perhaps. But Rossi had the misfortune (if indeed one could call it that) of being in a race that according to Gurney has become defined with Ford's outrage (Stop the gravy train! cut expenses!) and the other candidates responding to it.

And, yes, there were the rather off-putting (to me, anyway) 'Goodfella' campaign ads. Gurney adds that with Rossi gone from the mayoral race he hopes that the former candidate sticks around with his new-found name recognition. Whoever wins Gurney believes that our city will find itself in desperate need need of a moderate mayor without the burden of an embarrassing (and that word again!) baggage. So, if Mr. Rossi spends the next four years networking and maybe even reminding the populace of his potential then he might just be the man to come to Toronto's rescue.

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