Monday, October 11, 2010

The advance polls are open

Ah! the beauty of Democracy and the right to vote. If you're busy and can't make it on the day of the municipal elections --- October 25--- there are the advance polls and they're ready for you.

Since I live in Toronto I could either vote now or wait for election day itself. Or do I need more time to mull my choices over? I used to be a very decisive voter and took pride in that. And do I vote along party lines? It depends whether a candidate's message hits home and will he or she be the right one to run the city or country?

I must confess that I'm big on charisma --- the kind exuded by JFK or Pope John Paul II. That je ne sais quoi as the French call it. Nope! none of the Toronto mayoral candidates have it. So I continue to hem and haw. I may be undecided but that doesn't mean I won't vote.

If push comes to shove, the lobby of my building is transformed into a polling station. So on October 25 --- undecided or not --- I will exercise my civic duty and cast my vote. I'll probably wait until I return from work to do so and I hope to heaven that I make the right choice.

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